Diary – Be careful what you wish for!

Monday 10th June 2024

Over the last few years, I was so busy.

I was constantly overloading myself and wishing my life was quieter.

I must admit I did sometimes feel under pressure to attend the many zoom meetings that I was invited too, yet if I’m honest I enjoyed speaking immensely…Especially about Art and crafts!

I suppose we often find ourselves yearning for more and more success, more happiness, more fulfilment in life.

We wish for things to change, for our circumstances to improve, for our dreams to come true.

But have you ever stopped to consider the consequences of your wishes?

Do wishes have a power?

Perhaps we should be mindful of what we wish for.

I wonder if sometimes wishes are possibly driven by our ego, our fear, or social expectations?

Or are they just a genuine passion, or maybe a purpose?

Another side of our wishes is to recognise that contentment does not always come from external achievements.

True happiness and contentment often stems from within, from our own self-acceptance.

While it is natural to aim for success and material possessions, it is also essential to balance desires with our own wellbeing.

The saying “be careful what you wish for” serves as a valuable reminder!

Wishes sometimes do come true!

In my case my wishes did come true, as the zooms have become quieter, sometimes too quiet, giving me more time to spend with my sidekick Alzheimer’s

I feel I am loosing my purpose again as I look for things to do.

I feel like I have been here before, possibly a few times!

Life with Alzheimer’s is trying to steel away my purpose!

Leaving me feeling empty!

6 thoughts on “Diary – Be careful what you wish for!

  1. I think it’s good to keep busy, but also to acknowledge when you are tired and need to take a rest, whether one has Alzheimer’s or not. Your picture is so sad, hopefully you won’t feel so empty for long.

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