Diary – Talking to Head Teachers

Uploaded – Monday June 24th 2024

It was Wednesday 12th June, Maxine and Julie were picking me up at 8.45am

I was excitedly waiting.

My bag packed with artwork, speech and a few other bits and pieces, I stand at the window watching for Julie’s car.

Today I would be speaking alongside my Admiral Nurse Maxine and her Assistant Julie…I was so excited!

We arrive at the destination in plenty of time to set up and make our selves comfortable.

The room itself was small and very compact, which was a little overwhelming at first.

Next the computer with all of our slides on wouldn’t work correctly, I could see that this wasn’t a good start to the day, unusually I didn’t panic or stress, I was very calm…not like me!

Today I had no anxiety, just excitement.

At last the computer kicks in, with a little help from…Oh my goodness can’t remember her name, but she was lovely.

The morning begins with introductions around the room, not wanting to give the game away I introduced myself as “Gail a volunteer with Maxine and Julie”

Maxine starts off by saying a little about the Admiral Nurses, how they started and what they actually do.

A few slides shown and some short films from Dementia UK

Then it was Julie’s turn to say a few things, leading me into my talk.

Looking around the room, making eye contact with everyone, watching their reaction as I carry on talking, I can tell that they have not yet caught on that I’m living with Alzheimer’s

Then during the next piece of the talk, It leads me into…

This is the part I very sneakily tell them in a round about way I live with Early Onset Alzheimer’s

Now I have definitely captured my audience.

My talk went so well, even better that I imagined, there was so much interaction and interest.

Then Maxine clicks the button play!

My Film “Sundown “

I try to block the film, I feel my emotions rising…this film gets me every single time! I bite my lip to hold back any tears.

The atmosphere in the room was silent and still, my eyes fill and as I look around the room tears are roll down people’s faces.

As the film comes to an end and our slot to speak is brought to a close, the questions asked, the interest in Dementia is just …Wow!

I can not describe the boost I have just received .

2 hours of educating and we captivated every single person in the room

The feed back was amazing

Hi Maxine and colleagues.

We have read through the feedback sheets and found that everyone has said how much they appreciated the personal and professional insight into the types of dementia and how it feels living with it, so eloquently explained by Gail.  

I believe the awareness will snowball throughout the attendee’s own school networks and will be truly beneficial. 

Thank you all very much, on behalf of the Linden Centre team. 

Great work

Thanks again x

Wow! What more can I ask for…

When can I do it again?

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