Diary – Falling

Wednesday 19th June 2024

( June 3 – 9th) I have had 2 falls this week…what is going on!

My first fall was in the garden on Sunday morning, I put that fall down to my hip giving way causing me to overbalance.

Luckily for me I fell in the bush which cushioned my fall, the bush wasn’t very happy!

Only a few scratches and an aching hip…No damage done.

I have now been given strict instructions by hubby, not to climb on anything when in the garden.

Wednesday, out for my usual walk around the nature reserve, 15 minutes into the walk, there I am rolling on the floor like a Weeble …

Only this little Weeble did fall down!

I have been having trouble with my right hip for a few years now and over the last few weeks, possibly months my hip is definitely deteriorating. On occasions giving way as I make a step.

Possibly the reason I keep falling.

Trying to see my GP is near impossible, to date I have rung the surgery on 3 separate occasions over a matter of weeks, each time telling me there are no appointments available, giving me then another date to call back.

Today Thursday 6th June, (3rd time if calling) I was asked to call back after 9am

At 9am on the dot, I was on that phone, only to be told all the appointments had been taken and to ring back next week, when the diary would be opened for week commencing 24th June. That would mean a wait of at least 2 weeks just to make an appointment!

All this confusion of ring back on this day, ring back on that day just got to me. I was confused, agitated and upset, I put the phone down!

A short time later I received a phone call to say they could offer me an appointment with the Nurse, who could perhaps offer a solution.

I jumped at the chance.

So now I wait for Saturday in hope of a solution.

Saturday came and I arrived at the doctors only to be told by the receptionist the nurse was running around 30 minutes late, at least I had been given fare warning.

20 minutes later from behind a door a nurse appeared wearing black scrubs, personally I didn’t like the black, I didn’t think the colour was very inviting, so glad she greeted me with a smile!

In the treatment room I explained I had dementia and i pulled out my little pad and pen where I had made my notes on what I must remember to ask.

I mumbled slightly, but I think she understood

She activated her computer, trying to find out dates of anything significant. There she spotted osteoarthritis which was diagnosed 2 years previously. “I think we shall send you for a scan, just to see what is going on with that hip of yours”

After a quick examination it was confirmed an X-ray would be needed.

As she was only standing in today, the nurse couldn’t sign for me to have the X-ray immediately. It was explained a doctor would have to sign. Hopefully I should receive a message to just pop down to my local X-ray department.

I must say she was very thorough.

Still didn’t like the black scrubs!

So now I await an X-ray and see where I go from there.

As for my injuries, they are healing

As of Friday 14th June I still have not received an appointment for an X-ray!

7 thoughts on “Diary – Falling

  1. I sure hope your diagnosis isn’t too serious. I have fallen several times lately and I have osteoporosis and could simply shatter with a fall. Fortunately, even though the falls were hard, nothing has broken. My hubby is off on a road trip to see his sister and just called to say he fell last night too. This getting old is down right dangerous. He has cognitive memory decline and I have Alzheimer’s. What a pair we make with our failing memories and wobbly bodies! I can’t believe how bad your health care is. At least we can see a doctor almost immediately here. Of course, insurance is outrageous for young people. We’re lucky as hubby is retired military. That covers our medications and along with Social Security (taken out of our paychecks all of our working years), all the rest of our medical needs are taken care of. Let’s hope for quick results on your testing.

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  2. I do hope that you don’t have to wait too much longer for the x ray. It is a bit of a post code lottery in our country, and every area seems to do things differently! And I hope that your leg, and other aches and pains soon heal up xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As we know, falling can be life-theatening. Sounds like hubby has given you some good advice. Waiting to schedule appointments is so difficult! Hope you can get an xray soon and find a solution to your hip issues. Best to you, Gail!I


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