Diary – Preparation

Friday 21st June 2024

I may have discussed previously, preparing for a holiday is major in our house now, especially because dementia is in the mix!

Two weeks before we are due to go away, I spend a whole day swapping and changing clothes, the clothes I’m thinking of taking on holiday.

Do I feel comfortable, will I be too hot, too cold, will I want to actually wear that piece of clothing on the day?

Oh my goodness, decisions, decisions!

Decisions are something that me and my sidekick have many a disagreement over!

I used to be an excellent decision maker, once a decision was made I stuck to it.

Not anymore, I change my mind quicker than the weather!

This year has been a difficult year so far with forgetting words, odd blank moments not knowing where I am. Not being able to speak, as my brain does not engaging with my mouth.

Possibly a few more things that my brain fails to tell me.

Now struggling with planning and preparation.

I have found out it’s ok writing lists, but I have to remember to tick things off!

I have also realised that if I don’t do things instantly, they disappear into the big black hole of nothingness, never to be seen again.

I have a rail erected, to make things a little easier. I can keep adding clothes as and when…Now the clothes are ever growing!

I’m only going on holiday for five days!

Because we are self catering, I am also planning meals and shopping for food stuff.

Don’t forget Toby and Sooty and the things they will need!

For anyone who hasn’t got dementia planning and packing for a holiday can be a little stressful, so just imagine what it’s like living with dementia. 🤪

What most people forget is …I’m packing and still trying to think for two.

My hubby is not retired he is still working full time and I’m still trying to carry on as normal…Not!

Oh the joys of Early onset dementia!

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