Diary – In My Element part 1

Uploaded – Wednesday 26th June 2024

Dementia gave me a few things I am truly thankful for, one being time…Time to sit and take in the wonderful sounds, smells and surroundings of nature.

Monday 17th June 2024, Hubby, me and our two Scottie’s set off for one of my favourite destinations.

The grey clouds follow us on our journey, with a few spit spots of rain thrown in, making the journey a little more interesting!

The three hour journey was interrupted with a couple of stops, one for lunch and a dog walk stop.

For the dog walk stop hubby had chosen a beautiful park in Goole, which I can’t remember the name and I didn’t even take one photo!

After our walk, it was onwards to the lodge we would be staying at for the next 5 days.

We stayed at this lodge last year and enjoyed our time there so much we just had to return. The lodge is clean, spacious and very comfortable.

If anyone is planning a visit to the Bridlington area, Tall Trees Lodge in Sewerby is a wonderful place to stay. The lodge sits next to forest walks, a fabulous walled garden all in the grounds of Sewerby Hall.

There are even cliff tops walk and steps down to the beach if you are able to manage steps, we didn’t go down on to the beach near the lodge this time. I think the climb back would have put my lights out!

On arrival we unpack.

This is where the game of hide ‘n’ seek begins…I can’t find anything, definitely no change there then!

Once unpacked, we have a short walk around the grounds of Sewerby Hall before we eat.

As soon as we have eaten we are off again. A short drive to a nearby cove where the dogs can have a run on the beach

It’s been a long day and now my fuel tank is empty!

Back to the lodge, Pjs on and chill.

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Not the best night sleep, even though I have brought some familiar items, like a throw off my bed and my night light.

I think It’s the new surroundings, simple things can disorientate, like the position of the windows and doors.

I sleep with the curtains open so I can make out the layout of the room.

Morning for me begins at 4.30am, I let the dogs out on the decking area, realise I am tired and return to bed. I manage another 45 minutes sleep.

I decided sleeping was not going to happen, so off for an early morning walk.

With clear blue sky and now the sunlight is peeking through the trees, creating the most spectacular sunlight beams.

What a start to the day!

We walk to the sound of the birds as I take in my surroundings, don’t want to get lost!

This is idyllic. There is not a person in sight.

This is such a beautiful place, always something to spot, something wonderful to capture on my camera.

Who spotted who here?

The views from the cliff edge are stunning, but I can’t hang around on the cliffs all morning, I’m off to Flamborough to find puffins.

Me and the dogs head back to the lodge to prepare for our next adventure.

8am and we are on our way to Flamborough

This place is just amazing, the sound of the birds is out of this world.

I have tried to capture their calls and the atmosphere of being at Flamborough cliffs. I just wanted to share with you all.

Press the arrow to play the video, don’t forget to turn up the volume

There are so many sea birds nesting, Razorbills, Gulls, Guillemot, Fulmars, the cliffs are overflowing as they all squeeze in to find a nesting spot

Mainly Guillemots on this cliff face

Last year when we visited, we was too early to spot any chicks. This year however, we are in luck.


Trying to get a clear shot before Mum sits on the chick again was proving a little difficult.

Patience, lots of patience

Time seems to standstill when surrounded by the wonderful world of nature…I had been drawn in.

Nature once again has captivated my senses.

Before we knew, it 3 hours had passed.


Being outdoors with nature is definitely my happy place


The buzz I get from spotting a puffin, is indescribable.

I click away with my camera trying not to hyperventilate from the excitement …

I’m just in my element!

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