Diary – The Wonderful Birds

Monday 15th April 2024

Since I was diagnosed with dementia, I just love being around nature.

I thought today i would share some of the wonderful birds and their tuneful songs

Stepping outside into a garden or maybe a stroll in the park, you are likely be greeted by a symphony of delightful chirps and tweets from the numerous feathered visitors.

Birds bring life and color to our surroundings, offering a sense of tranquility and joy to those who take the time to observe them.

Let me take you into the world of nature and just some of the wonderful little birds

I have even recorded their wonderful birdsong too.

The beloved robin is perhaps one of the most iconic British garden birds, known for its bright red breast and cheerful song. I often see a delightful little robin hopping around the garden, or indeed following me around the Nature Reserve. Me and Robins do have a special connection, I love to build their trust, hoping they will feed from my hand

Blue Tit
With its striking blue, yellow, and white plumage, the blue tit is a stunning addition to any garden, and these little birds are like little acrobats as they flit from branch to branch in search of food.

The blackbird is also familiar sight, with its sleek black plumage and bright orange-yellow beak. They are like little Olympic runners as they sprint through the garden. They are mainly ground feeders, feeding on worms, insects and berries. The male has such a beautiful singing voice.

Woo the little goldfinch is a stunning garden visitor, with its vibrant red face and yellow wing patches. These small finches are known for their tinkling, bell-like song. You can often see them extracting seeds from trees and plants with their delicate beaks. Goldfinches are a joy to watch and bring so much colour.

Sparrows are a common sight in our gardens, their brown and gray plumage may not be as colourful as some, but they certainly make up for it with their cheerful chirps, they seem such a happy little bird.

Song Thrush

The Song Thrush, plumage may not be the brightest, their speckled breast stands out from the crowd though.

Wow! such a beautiful singing voice, will definitely entertain you with their beautiful song.

Watching and listening to the birds can provide a sense of connection to the natural world and bring a sense of peace and tranquility to my life, taking me into another world, forgetting my world of dementia.

You don’t need a massive garden to attract some feathered friends, you just need to create a bird-friendly environment with feeders and perhaps a little bird bath. If you have room,even a nesting box may attract a little feathered friend.

Next time you step outside, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and charm of the little garden birds that share the outdoor space with you.

5 thoughts on “Diary – The Wonderful Birds

  1. I love this. The only bird I can usually identify by call is the great tit which we often have outside my office, I’ll try to listen a bit harder at home for the others. I’m sure they just sing sometimes because they’re happy and the sun’s shining, which is lovely 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you were able to capture the birdsong to go with each picture – beautiful! My mother always loved birds, and when she was diagnosed with Alzheimers in her 70s, that was something that did not change. Thanks for the memories!


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